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© 2024 | Created by The VCLA Agency

At VCLA, we are committed to making a positive impact on the world and improving the lives of those around us through our social and sustainability initiative, "VIBE TOGETHER®".

Our commitment to corporate social responsibility extends beyond our business practices and into our communities, where we support organizations that address social issues and provide crucial resources to those who are struggling. We believe that it is our duty to give back to those in need and are proud to be dedicated to this cause. Our efforts to support local communities and address food insecurity demonstrate our commitment to making a difference in the world and improving the lives of those around us.

In addition to these efforts, we take the environment seriously and aim to have all of our devices and equipment properly disposed of and recycled. Our progress in this area is closely monitored to ensure we are continuously making a positive impact. Our efforts extend beyond our company, as we believe in the power of education and spreading awareness about the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility.

By working hand in hand with our customers, partners, and communities, we aim to create a fairer and more sustainable future. Our goal is to set an example, demonstrating that businesses can grow while also making a positive impact on the world.

"Success is not just about financial gains, but about the positive impact we make on the world. Our mission not only drives purpose but also fosters a meaningful connection with our community. I am proud to be part of a team that shares the same passion for promoting sustainability and building a brighter future for all."



Vibe Together 2023

Our CSR Goals

let's build a better life for all of us
powered by "the VCLA Agency" and "AGL Digital Corp."

What is "Corporate Responsibility"?

In short, Corporate "Social" Responsibility (CSR) means companies act ethically and sustainably, considering their impact on stakeholders, consumers, and the world. CSR builds trust, improves performance, and creates a better future for all. With "VIBE TOGETHER" we are able to demonstrate our company's commitment to CSR and drive long-term sustainability.

"Discover the inspiring story of "Giving NYC," a charitable give-back effort led by Diego Toledo and the radio show "AFTERGLOW." Follow their journey as they help those in need by providing meals and supplies and raising awareness through live broadcasts. Get a glimpse of the positive impact we've helped make on local communities and our dedication to corporate responsibility.


[note, "AFTERGLOW" is a brand under the AGL Digital Corp. Famly. Operations carried out by AFTERGLOW were run through "The VCLA Agency" ]

Inspiring Action: The Rise of Giving NYC in Times of Need

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